When employers need to hire large number of people, technology can give them the support they need. So many times we wonder why some companies aren´t using technology, see some examples below of how using Big Data and technology are helping some companies in the UK.
1.Global Engineering Consultancy Atkins: Chris Marsh hires around 2000 people per year. He knows what type of candidate are likely to be successful –staff referrals are leading- but he also keeps an eye on university offering the right degree to help them to keep a diverse workforce. “We are trying to increase the number of women, so we use UCAS data to know the proportion of female students in various courses”.
2. Cape UK increases their workforce from 2000 to 4300 each summer. They need to reach out temporary workers they need for maintenance projects. “They didn’t think of using LinkedIn because of the nature of their workforce, so they put ads on Facebook”. Using Facebook and spreading the word about jobs that way is more successful, ads are share with personal networks and it increases the chance of reaching to the right skilled worker.
What about automated processes then? Industry consultants are showing applicants how to game the application systems: inserting industry jargon in tiny type on the front page of your application, using the company name repeatedly in your cover letter … Large employers have taken back volume recruitment in house, they think more carefully how to do it.
What is happening with LinkedIn? Kemsley from HR says that LinkedIn wants to become an information broker, in the last year there has been an explosion of companies offering software that collect and aggregates candidates’ information.
Finally, after reading this information someone might say that technology has dehumanized the recruitment process. However Gifford says that it has become a routine not to respond to unsuccessful candidates, “By using technology you have more time to get back to people properly, you can use technology to send an automated response to unsuccessful candidates, not doing it can damage your employer brand” Alkin is aware that candidates are also customers, she ensures that all unsuccessful candidates receive an email to tell them they haven´t got the role and also where they didn´t meet the standard. Ken Lahti from CEB “Volume is not about automation is about using technology and multimedia that will help candidates to learn about the company and the job” “Most innovative companies are using the value of gamification in volume recruitment, games are interactive, more engaging and more fun than being shown a bunch of information”.
For more detailes information: People Management Magazine September 2014 ” How a smart approach to volume recruitment means making the numbers work in your favour”
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