
Blog 2017-03-17T09:03:10+00:00

El impacto del Big data en los procesos de selección

October 31st, 2016|Categories: Recruitment and Selection|Tags: , |

¿Cuál es el impacto real de la introducción del Big Data? Empresas reconocidas por todos se están beneficiando del uso del Big Data, algunos ejemplos son Airbnb para conectar con viajeros y saber sus preferencias en alojamiento, Netflix para personalizar el entretenimiento que prefieren sus espectad [...]

The most demanded job positions in the European market

October 20th, 2016|Categories: Media Blogging|Tags: , |

What type of job opportunities can we find in the European Labour market?  The EU represents ¼ part of the world economy and the countries that are part of the European market are facing great challenges. People that are in an active job-search need to be aware of which countries are growing in Euro [...]

How can online talent platforms provide value

September 29th, 2016|Categories: Career Development, Job Search, Talent Management|Tags: , |

According to a report from McKinsey Global Institute in major countries around the world, 30% to 45% of the working population is unemployed or working part-time. Many people struggle to find work, even if some sectors like healthcare or tech find really hard to fill open job positions. Digital Tale [...]

Is there a real talent shortage?

July 11th, 2016|Categories: Career Development, Recruitment and Selection, Talent Management|Tags: , , |

In the last months I have come across with several posts of relevant professionals talking about talent shortage. The subject is not new, we have been listening about the skills gap for a few years now. I wrote about the issue a while back, in June 2014 when I attended a talk in Barcelona- Spanish L [...]

How techies and engineers are facing job interviews today?

June 17th, 2016|Categories: Interview Tips|Tags: , |

When applying for roles in IT or Engineering  you are normally expected to go through technical tests and problem-based questions. Most of the job-seekers are aware of this so they know they will be facing these type of tests and questions. However there are other things that are also key, one of t [...]

How to use storytelling to create your own narrative

May 31st, 2016|Categories: Interview Tips, Job Search|Tags: , , , |

When I moved back from the UK to Spain 5 years ago I realized that the storytelling concept was only starting to get known. Nowadays almost everyone has heard about it and they know more or less how to define it. However knowing what it is doesn´t mean people are making use of it. Some people might [...]