Outplacement & Career Transition

/Outplacement & Career Transition

What about creating your own leadership?

By | 2020-12-11T19:00:30+00:00 March 25th, 2012|Categories: Career Development, Outplacement & Career Transition|Tags: |

  On the 20th of March I went to a conference of the Emotional Intelligence Club at the University of Barcelona. María Palacín a Professor of Soc [...]

Lynda Gratton ” You will need to create a job that suits you”

By | 2017-02-15T13:41:48+00:00 March 11th, 2012|Categories: Career Development, Outplacement & Career Transition|

  País Semanal 11/03/2012 No 1850 published an interview with Lynda Gratton which I recommend reading. I have extracted some paragraphs that I th [...]