On the 20th of March I went to a conference of the Emotional Intelligence Club at the University of Barcelona. María Palacín a Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Barcelona introduced us to the Leadership Theory and made us think on how we could apply the theory on our own lifes.
Her words had an important effect on me as I am going through personal and professional changes. I think that what she said was like a fresh air for all the audience that were there on that day.
” Our self esteem is connected with our sense of affiliation, to feel valued and listened to. To escape, to become aggressive or feel paralyzed are sometimes the result of not feeling valued. On a physical level this is connected with corticoide´s release which can lead us to illness”.
María told us that you live longer and better when you take ownership of your life: challenging oneself or doing something creative will boost your self esteem. She also alerted us that telling ourselves negatives stories all the time will makes us to lag behind.
She mentioned that support is vital, only one person who trust you is enough for the person to commit with its objective.
In a changing group process we all need support: starting to talk with oneself in a positive way, getting out of your comfort zone and starting a different path is what make us grown and develop.
Yesterday talking with friends they commented that they were doing new things and activities which demanded them to challenge themselves professionally and personally. They were a bit nervous and fearful but they wanted to continue because they knew getting out of that comfort zone would make them to grow and improve.
María gave us this formula:
RI ( Renewed Illusion) = E ( Experience) x P ( Passion)x P ( Persistence)x C( Commitment)x C ( Change) x C ( Courage) x C ( creativity)
” We are not frightened to start new things because they are difficult, they are difficult because we are frightened of starting them”
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