Younger people are having a tough time trying to access the work market. Young people unemployment rate in Spain is 56,4% -under 25 years old- while in the UK ´s rate is 21%. The economic situation makes it more challenging to access to their first job. Is there anything employers can do to help? Do graduates need more information and training? Although both countries have completely different job markets there are some issues that can be shared.
A recent study of the CIPD ” Employers are from Mars, young people are from Venus”, argues there is a mismatch in expectations between recruiters and potetial employees” Katerina Rüdiger, Skills Policy Adviser states that ” Employers must cater for the needs of young people; to talk to them about what they can do with their skills, to enable them to open up”.
Employers have different opinions about this matter:
1. Red Carnation Hotel-Reasonable adjustments.
” We have devised different questions to ask young people-ones that allow them to draw on their own experiences rather than hypothetical questions about a world of work they won´t be familiar with. It makes the process more efficient because we see talent shine through” Liz Mc Givern, VP of HR
2. BigChoice Group- Employers should not make it too easy.
“Should an employer tailor their interview differently to a younger person? I´m not sure. Graduates have access to career advice from advisers at their universities, as well as online career resources. Studying a degree course should have also equipped them with transferable skills to drawn on the interviews” Amanda Thomson MD,recruitment division
3. Nestle UK- If there is a better way, wouldn´t we try it?.
” Up until this year, we would hire young people using competency-based interviews. We found that not only were young people simply goggling all the answers, but it meant we couldn´t really differenciate those who actually wanted to join us”.
We have now changed to strengths-based interviews, which have allowed us to find those that really have an obvious passion. The crucial thing is that these interviews are not any easier” Jo Ward Head of Talent and Resourcing
4. We need a change but not to change the whole system – Consultancy IHS
“Recruitment practices have not evolved fast enough to enable young people to show what they can do. At the same time, employers are voicing understandable frustrations about a lack of skills. What we don´t need is a complete change. Good employers know not to make assumptions about young people, and they should structure interviews in a way that gives them the best chance. This may include being more transparent about what they expect at interview, but without taking the fact is an evaluation” Alan MacKinnon- Director of Talent Acquisition
Taking in consideration all the different opinions what is clear is that if you want to have a diverse workforce you need to give a chance to young people.
By identifying the best selection process to do this you are helping yourself to identify talent and learning how to retain it. Why would you use an interview designed for people that has had work experience? Unfortunately in Spain the majority of students have not had any work experience when they come out from University, in fact as they are not able to find a job they decide to continue studying masters and courses. By understanding their needs and trying the best way to match it with yours you are also helping younger to access to their first job.
Extracted from ” How to get the young people you deserve”People Management magazine May 2013
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