The programme of individual sessions and workshops are aimed to executive/director profiles and engineers who are motivated to develop their professional career internationally. Not only we can explore the national market but also we offer international talent mobility solutions adapted to the professional profiles of the participants.
Having worked with professionals seeking jobs abroad during the last 5 years we can offer this specialized service. The opportunity of working with an International Outplacement programme will bring new possibilities to participants and a greater variety o
The programme offers a complete guided support:
- Career Analysis Session
- CV writing + Cover Letter analysis an update
- Personal Branding and Social Media profile
- Job search strategies and recommended networking events
- Interview training “Mock Interviews”
- Telephone marketing guidance
Advantages of the programme are the following:
- One to one personalized coaching support and follow up.
- To access to new job opportunities and to open up to different career paths.
- To minimize candidate’s job search time.
- To provide cultural awareness and to enhance an international professional network.
- The programme can be carried out in English or Spanish.
Request more information about International Outplacement