A lot of Spaniards have decided to emigrate to other countries. Not only graduates without working experience who are looking for their first role but also professionals who are employed or unemployed and low qualified profiles that have been made redundant and they are struggling to find a job.
People contacting me are interested in moving to the UK, especially London. What they really want from me is to provide them with a job so they can start as soon as they arrive-something understandable but rather complicated-. It is at that point of the conversation when I try to explain to them that I am not an agency– where you pay a fee for a job position-. I also clarify that I don’t work for free giving guidance and help.
It is at that stage that I try to understand their needs, and explaining them the real options. Most of them, qualified professionals, graduates and low qualified profiles are aware that they don´t speak English fluently. Recognizing this, some of them agree to work in a transition position to improve their English and after that, starting a job hunt towards their professional objective. However some of them are not ready for this, they believe they can get to the UK and starting working as a professional in their field, some technical professionals that are really in demand with a good level of English have real possibilities, the other ones will find themselves battling quite a lot.
After having done a review of companies/agencies that are offering their services in this market area I have realized of the following:
1.Some of them will ask you to pay a fee and they guarantee a job position on your arrival
2.Others will offer you guidance and supporting you in the job search process; they will populate your CV/Resume among their contacts and also select organizations that are advertising roles that matches with your profile.
3.Some companies/agencies will search for Spanish profiles to work in hotels, restaurants, factories… and will have settled in the country to contract that profiles. This reminds me the case of English companies when the UK borders opened to Eastern European in 2004. They established agencies to bring people to work in factories and picking activities…as they couldn´t find enough workers in the country.
Let´s make a review of the possible situations you can find yourself in:
1.Good level of English, including previous working experience in the country or abroad, a highly sought professional profile, relevant experience and a good CV. In this case you can start applying: filling applications forms, contacting agencies and inserting your details in the key job portals. You will receive phone calls and you might have skype meetings, and if they are really keen on your profile they will ask you to fly for an interview. Yes, if you are in that situation you don´t need to think about paying for extra services…do you?
2.Good level of English, standard professional profile, I mean you know you will be competing with native to fill that type of position in the UK and you also know there is not a special demand of that professional profile. Then if you start sending your CV and Covering Letters and applying through the internet you might not see high results. Taking for granted that you are applying at the same level as a native would do. The main problem would be your geographical location and that you don´t have international experience. Let´s face it, competing against a qualified and experienced native that is also living in the area… you will have it pretty hard.
3.You don´t have a good level of English, although you are a graduate or a professional with relevant experience you know that you will need to go through a transition process. One option is to move to the country you want to work because you know that there is a demand of the job you are searching, then you agree to work in a maintenance role while you improve your English and this way you can settle in the country. How do you do this? You can leave your country with all your savings and consider it as an adventure or you can contract professionals, companies that by using a guidance and support process will provide you with what you need to establish in the country, that will include the job search process, producing a good CV, finding accommodation and also providing you with the best options to study the language while you work.
Having read all the above you need to reflect on your own situation:
What is more reasonable for you?
Is it worth investing some money in getting some help?
You can do it but it will take you longer?
Would you like to pay only for a job promise on your arrival?
” Working in the UK” which I produced to Prepárate ” Professional and Personal Development day to prepare you for job hunting processess” 26/10/2013 Barcelona, Spain. You will find the following information:
- Most demanded profiles in the UK.
- Necessary documentation and papework processes.
- Resources to study English.
- How to produce a CV/Covering Letter.
- Job Search Strategy: qualified and non qualified work.
Also you will be able to download other powerpoint presentations of the following countries ( the link of the website has been removed).
Working abroad, some general advise, working in France, working in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, Working in China and Working in Brazil
Might be you have not though of investing in this area but it can be a way of reaching your goals in a faster and effective manner. At the moment I am not only offering my services of CV Writing and Covering letter in English and Mock Interviews but also I am collaborating with an specialized relocation company based in London that provides you a service of job searching ( qualified and non qualified roles) accomodation, and Languages School options to learn English. If you want to know more don´t hesitate to contact me 😀 via marta@martapuigsamper.com
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