Today, due to the current economic climate work has become scarce and precious. If we are thinking of looking for jobs outside our own country, we realize that we can have some limitations in considering our future mobility. One of the most common limitations is language, we might feel trapped; yes, we have studied another language at school; yes, we have our certificates; but we now that we are not fluent enough.
We may feel a bit disappointed, as we look outside searching for a similar job profile in other countries, we acknowledge that we don´t reach the level in that language. What do we do? Do we have to start studying with that anxious feeling that we need something fast and effective? Can we just land there with what we know and improving over there?
Ideally it would be great if most of us managed English effectively and another language, this way, indifficult times, we could move easily. I know a few cases of students who have finished their engineering degree at 29 years old or more and they are trying to learn it now. Other people may think they can manage but when they start job searching they realize that they need to acquire more level. We can find a diversity of cases and the solution will depend on each situation and individual resources.
For me, learning a language was not just a professional matter but also a way of communicating with people from other cultures, having direct access to information, knowledge and other ways of thinking and living. It also means to rethink our own cultural patterns and values.
In summary a source of richness that can make us more broadminded and understanding towards other life styles.
If since now, learning a second or third language has been taken as a leisure option or a real need of landing into the interview process for a job position, perhaps we should change our view about this? Considering a second language as a window opened to the world which gives us the opportunity ofgrowing and feeling more free in our choices. Leaving behind ” I have to accumulate points for my government access exams or complying with recruitment filters” to walk towards feeling more comfortable in a globalized world where opportunities have stopped being only local.
When dealing with different life situations, English people talk about preparing for the worst case scenario, this way we can have a plan B when adverse time comes. This will give us a feeling of security and freedom. A fast response in crisis moments is important, not only for organisations but also to people. Transforming a crisis moment into an opportunity of growth and rethinking the way we do things might lead us to realize that “ Every exit is an entry somewhere else” Tom Stoppard.
From my point of view I think that having a plan B gives us a great advantage to avoid feeling trapped. Might be this new path that you follow can be even more satisfactory that the one you left behind. It isthis attitude we take towards things that happens to us in live what makes us to move on in difficult times. If you have a plan B don´t hesitate to make it happen.
If you have never had a plan B might be it is time to think about having one. Starting a great task can be overwhelming but it is a matter of taking it step by step and not being stopped by unnecessary regrets. As Francis Bacon said ” A man must make his opportunity, as oft as find it”.
Article inspired by ¿Tienes un plan B? Francesc Miralles, El País Semanal
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