Sharing a mentoring experience

//Sharing a mentoring experience

Sharing a mentoring experience

The word Mentor in magazine letters on a notice board


Around this time last year (2012) I started my training to participate in a mentoring process with Punt de Referència ( The objective of the Referent´s programme  is to offer support to young people who are at risk of social exclusion (between ages of 17 to 23).

My balance after one year is very positive and I feel that now, more than ever, it is important to encourage this type of process which can become a great resource to empower people.

Before sharing my personal experience, how would I define mentoring? I found this  definition that I think it  includes the essential meaning: 

Mentoring is a developmental partnership through which one person shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of someone else. We all have a need for insight that is outside of our normal life and educational experience. The power of mentoring is that it creates a one of a kind opportunity for collaboration, goal achievement and problem solving.

 “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction” John C Crosby.

Returning  to my home country after having been abroad for  nearly 8 years in the UK meant that I had to start building my life again from scratch. Most of my friends were living in another locations or still abroad. So it turned out that although I was not an immigrate I felt somehow quite lost , I was getting used to the culture and also looking for a job.  As I had positive experiences being a volunteer in social programmes in Spain and in the UK, I started searching online for organisations were I could participate in a project that motivate me. When I read about what Punt de Referència was doing I immediately thought that it was a great opportunity for me to participate in a meaningful project, helping people from other countries that were trying to settle.

The programme started in May 2012 and it ended in November 2012, however the relationship that I built with my mentee has become a friendship relation. I have got to know a brave and strong young person who is very motivated to study and work to become independent.

Mentoring is a well know tool used in the UK- in the workplace and in the career field-. It has existed since Ancient greek times, spreading  to the training arena in U.S in the 1970´s.  You can think how it can be applied in your work, career and personal life but it is definitely a great process that can not be overlooked.

I have also added a link where we shared our experience with TV3 TV. Punt de Referència was chosen as a teaming project during the year 2012-2013

For more information about  social mentoring programmes  in Catalunya you can  check and

By | 2017-02-15T13:40:34+00:00 May 16th, 2013|Categories: Career Development|Tags: |0 Comments

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