If your personal/professional profile is on Social Media you might have heard about SEO, normally you will link SEO with a website design. However it´s also important to take in consideration your Personal SEO for building a professional profile in LinkedIn or other Social Media profiles. I am sure you might have read about it or if you have taken a Social Media or LinkedIn course the trainer will have introduced you to Personal SEO.
At the end of the day it´s in your hands to put the theory into practice and it might be useful to revise some key aspects:
What´s Personal SEO?
The idea is to manage your online visibility to enable people to find you on a search engine´s search results. SEO is “ Search Engine Optimitzation” and it´s the art of adding key words to a website that the pages are visible in the results of a search.
Why is so important?
If we transfer this SEO concept to your professional profile then it will be really valuable to make a key word research to identify which key words are appropiate for you. Many people will introduce their current job position without analysing if that is the right term to use. The result of adding the wrong key words will lead to the invisibility of your profile or at least a level of difficulty to find you within your professional expertise area.
If you are in a local or international job search process you will be interested in that online visibility that will allow recruiters to find you easily.
How do we approach the task?
My advise is to find out the relevant key words that are using employers and recruiters. The objective is to collect the most used key words; focus on job adverts, job boards, social media platforms and job descriptions. Try to connect with recruiters and compare your professional profile with other professional profiles on LinkedIn or Social Media. The key is to research appropiately, the better you do this the better result you will have.
If you would like to get a better insight of this you can follow the tips shared in the video added; it will tell you where to include your key words and the value of other aspects that will improve your personal SEO.

Personal SEO
In Summary:
Are you including relevant key words on your LinkedIn headline? You might need to include more than one.
Is your summary crafted in a story tellling way with your strategic key words?
And your skill set? Is it a random one or is it also taking in consideration your SEO?
Every small thing counts to gain that online visibility; not only you will be contacting recruiters and employers but also they will be able to contact you as you will come up easily in their search results. Put yourself in their shoes…how would you find a profile like yours?
For more information on this topic click on Guide to Personal SEO for Job Search
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